Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Am I Pregnant Light Brown


Tuesday, we submitted a written request to the City of Pontinia with the group "Youth Thoughts."

There were rumors and said that the City was willing to acquire the last two lots of the former industrial site Hilmi.

To get us what?

not know yet, But we came up with an idea to us. An idea which could only be good for the city. Redevelop the former Hilmi and turn it into a multipurpose center. A place at the disposal of groups and individuals with classrooms to be able to organize courses and rehearsal rooms for those who want to make music, an information point where it is possible to find information on events, scholarships, foreign travel, school, work, politics and more.

Pontinia A lack of usable space affects social life of the association and aggregation. In addition to bars and squares where you can find there is no room for a meeting, a film club or a course. It 's time to do so.
There are many associations that really do not have places where you can meet. Or maybe you have associations but they are too small for the needs of the work they do.

We are not the only ones that have made this proposal ( and we would not be the last. We call on all organizations of Pontinia to accompany the initiative and participate actively to its realization.

This is the request:



The undersigned Ilene Zuccaro and Luca Ghidoni, as advisers in charge of the Youth Council of Pontinia, with members of the Ass. "Network of third-Pontinia and Ass. Youth "Youth Thoughts"
to ' Municipality whole and in particular the Mayor of Pontinia Dr. Eligio Tombolillo , to assess the proposal for redevelopment of 'ex-Hilmi below:
According to latest reports in local newspapers, the town council said to be interested in a possible participation in the auction to be held March 31, 2010, to acquire the former industrial site Hilmi, located in Viale Italy. As citizens of Pontinia, propose to allocate to use the social area, through a redevelopment that can be taken in consultation with all organizations of the place.
Our proposal is to build a structured Multipurpose Center:
- A Youth Center, with classrooms and rehearsal rooms, available for groups and young people to engage in Pontinia where social, cultural and environmental issues, and create a gathering place for the development of important city.
- The opening of an information desk , PontiniaInforma of experience, where you can find news about school, college, jobs, scholarships, etc. and on administrative matters and on various dates available to all citizens.
- A Farmer Market (food market Km0) which stresses the need for market local short chain, important for the revival of agriculture and small farms of the area. For a policy focused on reducing waste and pollution from freight transport and for the promotion of local products.

The chronic lack of social spaces in Pontinia (rooms, classrooms, information offices, community centers) results in significant difficulties for all parties that make up the so-called civil society in the country: a political vision of long-range, aimed at developing this reality through the construction of a physical meeting, bringing many benefits to the entire population of the country, young and old alike.
We therefore ask the City to contribute to the purchase of the former industrial site and to convene a meeting open to all the realities of the place you are interested in giving life to a meeting place social Pontinia.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wifes Wants A Black Baby Movies

The best is yet to live as 2010

Dear friends,
after two years and as much water passed under the bridges, we return with our event, more positions than ever! On our journey we came to meet two wonderful solution, linked to a deeply generous souls: a trendy spot in the center of Rome and a non-profit organization active and effective. Will not give away anything, but this year the evening will be even larger, more beautiful, more generous, but above all more enjoyable. Now in fact we are working so that you can spend a special evening at the same time and do good to the children who need them.
Also this year the non-profit organization dealing with children in need, an issue very dear to us. Not only because children are tomorrow's energy, but also because they are helpless and they do not choose to be born in a state of distress, difficult, which is denied in childhood, but also the opportunity to learn and grow to help make the better world. And this is precisely what today's children, will have to do tomorrow.
So follow us and we will keep you informed. And like two years ago, and count on the support of each of you, because the success of our 2008 event we owe it especially to you friends, acquaintances, strangers, anyone who believed in our positive energy in our values, what we were doing. So: help still help !!!!!
Monica and Stephanie

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bubble Gum Flavored Soda


Sunday, January 17, "Stories of slag in the swamp .."
Teatro Fellini Pontinia

- 17:30 Photo exhibition "Environment, Energy, Nuclear"

- 21.30 Entertainment Stories of Slags "Ulderico Fish

We know that situation on the return the nuclear side of the Italian state oscruti, secrets and little information circulating. In many cases the information on the nuclear issue itself and its health implications are distorted or kept secret.

Nuclear energy is not clean, not cheap and is not secure.
Globally we are still far behind the technology: the elusive Generation IV nuclear reactors has not yet been created, nor is it in a central building of this type. And the plants under construction, two to stay in Europe, find themselves with costs tripled and the work on hold for irregularities.
In Italy we made a legacy of nuclear waste repositories and central semi-disused with a level of radiation protection is very low. The central village of 900 houses Sabotino Netra cubes of radioactive and might be already on the list of areas eligible candidates for the extension of the deposit.

We do not yet suffer from being ruined by the attacks on our territory and our health. The Pontine Marshes is becoming the place for you and be everything from gas turbines to incinerators, cement plants and even nuclear. We can not accept this.

the Citizens' Network of Free Association with the Pontinia Cantiere Creativo organized a day dedicated to the environment and nuclear power. Need information and awareness of a problem that we can no longer ignore and continues to seem distant.
The idea of \u200b\u200busing the photographic art and theatrical art is the choice of different information, more direct and exciting learn to hit deeper.
The day is sponsored by the City of Pontinia which funded the project, allowing free viewing of the play.