Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bubble Gum Flavored Soda


Sunday, January 17, "Stories of slag in the swamp .."
Teatro Fellini Pontinia

- 17:30 Photo exhibition "Environment, Energy, Nuclear"

- 21.30 Entertainment Stories of Slags "Ulderico Fish

We know that situation on the return the nuclear side of the Italian state oscruti, secrets and little information circulating. In many cases the information on the nuclear issue itself and its health implications are distorted or kept secret.

Nuclear energy is not clean, not cheap and is not secure.
Globally we are still far behind the technology: the elusive Generation IV nuclear reactors has not yet been created, nor is it in a central building of this type. And the plants under construction, two to stay in Europe, find themselves with costs tripled and the work on hold for irregularities.
In Italy we made a legacy of nuclear waste repositories and central semi-disused with a level of radiation protection is very low. The central village of 900 houses Sabotino Netra cubes of radioactive and might be already on the list of areas eligible candidates for the extension of the deposit.

We do not yet suffer from being ruined by the attacks on our territory and our health. The Pontine Marshes is becoming the place for you and be everything from gas turbines to incinerators, cement plants and even nuclear. We can not accept this.

the Citizens' Network of Free Association with the Pontinia Cantiere Creativo organized a day dedicated to the environment and nuclear power. Need information and awareness of a problem that we can no longer ignore and continues to seem distant.
The idea of \u200b\u200busing the photographic art and theatrical art is the choice of different information, more direct and exciting learn to hit deeper.
The day is sponsored by the City of Pontinia which funded the project, allowing free viewing of the play.