Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Spring ... Spring ... join this season at Green ... how could it be otherwise? And I imagine sunny days ... of relaxation ...

There are at least relax a bit '... Because now comes the piece de resistance ... always green to stay on ... Like many of you know I won the giveaway of the most likeable of Laura COUNTRY STYLE , which has already taken steps to send the prize ...
Furthermore, my bathroom is green and then, since I'm not delighted with the sewing, I will use as a storage pouch ... I find these two truly magnificent creations, because it is well made and tasteful (or at least go well with my taste!)

then Enjoy the pictures (race of envy, eh eh! Scherzooooo!) and run to see how many beautiful little things is Laura ...

Thanks Laura!

Last but not least, a sweet bloggherina named Marie Antoinette I dedicate this award I really liked ...

If you still do not know his blog IO CONTEMPORARY RETRO ', run out to visit, you will not regret ... I followed as soon as I discovered ...

as always, I dedicate the award to bloggherine who follow me and ripping precious minutes of their time to go and visit and maybe leave a comment ... Who wants to withdraw the prize as well ... E 'for you ... Thanks Marie Antoinette ...

soon ...

Sasusaku Fanfiction List

Avigliana, la notte dei rospi - L’11 marzo 2011 aiutiamoli ad attraversare la strada e a raggiungere l’acqua della palude per riprodursi

Each year the toads down to the swamp for breeding. A migration is necessary for the continuation of the species. In recent years, crossing the road along the Great Lake caused many deaths due to vehicular traffic.
year via Montgenevre will be closed to traffic from 19 until 4 am on Friday 11 Saturday 12 to allow the safety of volunteers. The venue with the staff of the Park is set in the square Nino Costa (Grignetta the parking lot of the village), to be achieved by way Giaveno, at 20. Montgenevre Street will be closed in the stretch between the village and so Grignetta offspring.
Volunteers who want to accompany the toads when crossing should be in possession of rubber boots or shoes, raincoats, flashlights and rubber gloves.
In windy evening will be postponed until Friday, March 25.
For information: Natural Park Lakes Avigliana 011 / 9313000 / 9341405
Some more information:
The date of the migration and breeding varies from year to year, so as the number of toads that reach breeding sites. In determining these changes in different variables come into play, such as the amount of water in the swamp, the temperature, la conservazione dell’habitat in cui questi animali trascorrono gran parte dell’anno. In teoria gli anfibi escono dalla latenza invernale quando iniziano ad alzarsi le temperature minime e ci sono buone precipitazioni.
Nello studio commissionato dal Parco dei Laghi di Avigliana alla Dottoressa Anna Bonardi nel 2009 si valutava in circa 2200 individui la popolazione che utilizza la zona dei Mareschi di Avigliana. Di questi, appena un terzo sono femmine. Nella sua relazione 2009, Bonardi proponeva anche alcune soluzioni per la gestione della popolazione. La più interessante sarebbe senza dubbio il collocamento di barriere anche sul lato a valle della strada per la protezione del flusso di ritorno.

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"La scuola è il segreto del successo" discorso di Barack Obama agli studenti

9 marzo 2011
Il seguente articolo è apparso sul quotidiano "La Stampa" del giorno 9 marzo 2011
Barack Obama
Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America
Ho fatto qui in Massachusetts (il presidente parla agli studenti della TechBoston, ndr) parte dei miei studi.

Ero più giovane, non avevo capelli grigi, allora non c’erano lavagne intelligenti e la tecnologia più eccitante era quella della matita elettrica.

I tempi sono cambiati. Sapete per caso cosa sono le matite? Voi, ragazzi, usate le matite? Sono grato a Melinda Gates, ed al marito Bill, both extraordinary leaders of education reform. Microsoft and the Gates Foundation have been alongside TechBoston from the beginning and I am grateful to them for that. I am proud of them. We are now in the month that the White House devoted to education and I wanted to come here for the rest of America can see what you did. You are a model for all. Do you have an exceptional body of teachers, students can learn and succeed, no matter who he is and what he looks like. Managing to obtain the best possible education has never been as important as right now, and the reason is that today a good job requires a good education. Journey through la nazione, visito le fabbriche e le aziende. Non importa quale lavoro sia, ma se non si ha una buona educazione non si riesce ad avere successo. Nei prossimi dieci anni quasi la metà di tutti i nuovi posti di lavoro richiederanno un’educazione superiore alla licenza delle scuole superiori. Purtroppo la realtà è che troppi studenti oggi non sono sufficientemente preparati. Troppi lasciano la scuola senza avere le competenze necessarie per un posto di lavoro che paghi. Oggi un quarto degli studenti d’America non finisce le scuole superiori. La qualità della nostra formazione in matematica e scienze è inferiore a quella di altre nazioni. L’America è scivolata al nono posto nella classifica dei Paesi per numeri di laureati. Eravamo primi, we are now ninth. It is not acceptable.

The most effective way to create jobs in America is to change these statistics. There is no better than economic policy that produces more graduates with the skills necessary to succeed, founding new companies and creating their own Microsoft. This is why the reform of education is the responsibility of every single American. Every parent, every teacher, every farmer, every public officer and every one student. What we need are higher standards: more time spent in class, more attention to subjects such as math and science. We need extraordinary teachers who are also flexible and responsive leader the results they get. Here are the ingredients that you have to TechBoston. Students receive a computer as soon as they cross the threshold of entry. Sure, it costs money, but also opens a window for learning. If we are to prosper in the twenty-first century, if we keep alive the American Dream, we must grow together to ensure that all our children the same world-class education that you receive here at TechBoston. As long as I am president I will fight for it.

* TechBoston's speech to the Academy in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Good ol' times

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Soft Tops For Ford Broncos


Che dire? Quando ammiro queste meraviglie, resto senza parole...

soon ...