Come annunciato lo scorso 10 Febbraio 2009 con comunicato, la società Pontinia Rinnovabili srl, l'azienda intenzionata a costruire la centrale a biomasse, ha presentato ricorso al TAR contro il Comune di Pontinia e la Provincia di Latina chiedendo il risarcimento dei danni a fronte del NO espresso dal Sindaco di Pontinia e dalla Provincia di Latina alla costruzione della centrale.
Un NO motivato soprattutto dalle dimensioni che questa centrale dovrebbe avere con una produzione stimata di 22 MW a fronte degli 8 necessari e richiesti da Piani provinciali e regionali.
Secondo l'azienda i due Enti stanno provocando un danno che ammonterebbe a circa 20 milioni di euro se non si procederà al piu presto a dare l'assenso. La Pontinia Rinnovabili critica alle amministrazioni scarsa sensibilità verso le urgenze occupazionali e di rilancio of this area at this point that the real risk of losing a "NO POLICY" a project with high environmental value economic impact of extraordinary importance. least for them, you might say. In fact, the Renewable Pontinia risk losing funding from the Ministry for Productive Activities for 8 million euro (falling in the incentives CIP6).
The use of TAR does not seem to bother the mayor convinced of his own choice. He expects that the Joint Conference State-Regions, the technical panel that the province of Latina has designated as a place where the final decision will be taken and in which, according to the Renewable Pontinia, The entire project will demonstrate its necessity and goodness.
We'll see. The Network has already expressed its arguments to the contrary biomass sottolinenado oversizing of the plant and the objective difficulties in finding useful material for combustion. The TAR instead pronuncierà between 30 days and only then will verify whether the municipality will have to repay waste of time that caused the company to ensure the sustainability of the project.
is also a step closer (April 9) the Joint Conference will cover the gas turbines. A meeting really important to preserve our land and the whole province, because in addition to the gas turbine Mazzocchio decisions will be taken also for Aprilia.
We'll see who among those in power, will be the spokesman of our rights as citizens to a healthy environment and healthy.
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