Tensioni, rimpasti, polemiche e unanimità di voto..il Consiglio comunale del 23 Giugno ha rivelato non poche sorprese.
La giunta comunale ha deciso di cambiare un pò di assessorati e deleghe. L'ex assessore al commercio Ernesto Billotta ha rimesso il suo incarico per incompatibilità e punti di vista differenti rispetto alla maggioranza. Incompatibilità derivanti dalla decisione presa poi riguardo l'area dell'ex Miralanza. Il Consiglio Comunale ha votato all'unanimità (o quasi) per il cambio di destinazione d'uso dell'area industriale dell'ex Miralanza.Quel terreno da oggi in poi avrà una denominazione commerciale per poter finalmente build mega mall so coveted by our administrators.
The only dissenting voice was raised by Councillor Sandy Novelli has listed several concerns about the project and the company wants to build. Not to mention the appeals pending before the Lazio by ConfCommercio and reviews of provincial and regional directors about the "saturation" of the commercial network of the province of Latina.
But the City jumps calls for regional funding for the development of so-called commercial areas, shopping areas and craft that is naturally located in towns and cities on the Appia prefer to build a Mega Store 5 times larger than LatinaFiori.
course we discussed the problem but the Appia road is under state jurisdiction, it will Anas was told. It will mean that we should evaluate the possible doubling of SS7, doubling that seems impractical given the constraints on well landscaped areas for typed, in the Appian way and are part of the surrounding area.
New Construction Ltd., a company that proposed the project seems to have a capital of 10,000 €, and has never built a shopping center.
Now, even the uninitiated would appear controversial, with a capital so small and possessed little experience, this company enjoys the benefit of all the political factions of our community. With an 'exception in the person of Novelli.
reshuffle will mean a municipal council for a mall??
's your answer ..
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