Ulderico fish is an actor of the scene of the complaint.
We had already mentioned him in a previous post . And now comes in Terracina and Borgo Sabotino with the show "Stories of slag." A trip through Italy of nuclear power, told with simple and accessible voice.
Saturday, October 24 - Terracina (tensiostatico Balloon - adjacent sports hall. Via delle Arene)
ore 20.45 spettacolo "Storie di Scorie"
Domenica 25 Ottobre - Borgo Sabotino, davanti la (ex) centrale nucleare.
10.00 am extract of the play "Stories of Slags"
The danger of a restart of nuclear power plants in Italy is very real. E 'in May of 2009 that Parliament approvao the rule which invests the government with full powers for the choice of nuclear sites. Sites determined from above and covered by state secrecy.
Atomic energy is not what 'alternative energy and clean that you want to believe. There is still a process of disposing of nuclear waste, waste from nuclear power plant.
For the time being stored in drums protected inside huge warehouses. Good going. If it goes wrong in ships sunk or brought to the southern countries of the world.
Ulderico is an actor who complaint that is to say, and then verify. A report to us.
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