Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mom And Son's Friend Stories


April 18, 2009 PRESS RELEASE
Recent statements and rants of the "new" plan for waste collection by the municipal administration seem to us a mockery. The plan is not just a repetition of what has not worked: colored bells for the collection.
The same study which commissioned the administration, and cost a few thousand euro, he said something else and that is that only the curbside collection does achieve significant results. The line seems to be that of the City di non appesantire troppo il lavoro dei cittadini, ma purtroppo solo così si raggiungono percentuali elevate di prodotti da riciclare, l’unico modo per rendere conveniente la raccolta differenziata incassando soldi non solo dalla Tarsu, ma anche dalla vendita dei prodotti da riciclare. E bisogna anche prevedere delle sanzioni per evitare che tutto venga vanificato da quelle persone che non accettano le regole.
Ci sembra utopistico arrivare al 30% di rifiuti riciclati non applicando la raccolta porta a porta.
Nessun paese in Italia riesce a raggiungere queste cifre con il sistema delle campane colorate. E poi da noi sono anni che ci sono e finora si è arrivati ad un misero 7%.
Non crediamo che sensibilizzare i cittadini con un informazione anche capillare e razionalizzare la disposizione delle campane colorate porterà a grandi risultati. La stessa Rete dei Cittadini per ben due volte ha organizzato campagne informative sul corretto riciclo dei rifiuti. Azioni che avrebbero dovuto essere accompagnate da un chiaro impegno istituzionale del Comune a far partire VERAMENTE la raccolta differenziata a Pontinia.
Guardiamoci intorno: Sermoneta con il porta a porta ha diminuito di molto la percentuale di rifiuti da portare in discarica, anche Cori sperimenta questa pratica. A Latina invece dove si raccoglie solo l’umido e si usano i cassonetti, non ci sono stati risultati apprezzabili. E intanto l'allargamento landfill Borgo Montello is configured to respond to the emergency waste.
The regional waste plans in 2008 to look at recycling as a primary objective to exit from receivership. The Region hopes to arrive in 2012 to 44.50% of waste recycled. Pontinia responds with bells ...
Network of Citizens of Pontinia

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What Technology Standard Provides For

. Naturally.

In an episode of the Italian political parlor door to door a few weeks ago, the Minister Scajola delinea la strategia per il grande ritorno al nucleare italiano. Nell' epoca dei localismi e dell'effetto Nymbi, il Ministro dello SVILUPPO ECONOMICO, ha la soluzione per costruire le centrali: togliere responsabilità al governo e uso della forza per convincere i cittadini. E dico, cos'avremmo mai da lamentrci, noi poveri cittadini, se ci costruiscono centrali nucleari dietro al giardino!!!!

Possono anche essere state parolone, che forse non si avvereranno, ma è terrificante il fatto che abbiano solo il coraggio di esprimerle questa idee!!!!

Con una crisi energetica, economica, finanziaria, di valori, poltica e chi più ne ha più metta parte the solution of the nuclear race, and these short-sighted people do not see many alternatives, concrete and sustainable, there are.
The next step is to force the community to accept the monster, no ifs and buts. They want to make nuclear, what will they do for the rest? They will leave incinerators, gas turbines, cement kilns, biomass at the mercy of local NO psychosis to everything, is commonly defined as the protection of your health by "useless" people?

Nuclear power is clean energy, there is the problem of waste, and to compete and build a "safe nuclear" We need a technology that may already be exceeded when the plant will be completed.
In other words: it takes me 20 years to build a mobile phone screen in black and white and already you are doing your handheld!

Why you always surf in the wrong direction??

Territories gagged
Raffaele Lupoli


Government sets the criteria and identify the areas where construction companies locate plants. A strategy has already been tried fifteen years ago in the Campania region to locate incinerators. And the results are there for all to see. But no matter: the sites for the construction of nuclear power plants "decide who does energy company." During the TV broadcast Porta a Porta Economic Development Minister Claudio Scajola said that the bill for the return of nuclear power will provide for "the procedures and criteria of morphological, geographical, systems management." A

then decide where to build the plants will be companies that will have to identify "the place where you can meet" the criteria. In short, the policy does not take responsibility the choice is fine but we must not lose the nuclear ratings. In fact, it also provides a "sweetener" of an economic nature. It will seek consensus at the local level with incentives, said Scajola. Explaining that the people will benefit from the reactor behind the house, in terms of discounts "in the bill" electricity.
And even if the discount was enough to convince the inhabitants of a province not sticking? "If you were to just do not get consensus," the minister said , "will still be decisions taken at central level." Talk about participation!

Scajola has already prepared the plan B: "You may need to use gli strumenti previsti dall'articolo 120 della Costituzione per il bene del paese" surrogando le competenze degli enti locali.

Il comma 2 dell'articolo in questione riguarda la sussidiarietà e la leale collaborazione. Vale la pena di dargli una letta: "Il Governo può sostituirsi a organi delle Regioni, delle Città metropolitane, delle Province e dei Comuni nel caso di mancato rispetto di norme e trattati internazionali o della normativa comunitaria oppure di pericolo grave per l’incolumità e la sicurezza pubblica, ovvero quando lo richiedono la tutela dell’unità giuridica o dell’unità economica e in particolare la tutela dei livelli essenziali delle prestazioni concernenti i diritti civili e sociali, regardless of the geographic borders of local governments. "

The government" federalist ", therefore, on the one hand Pilate chose not to choose sites that will host the central threat to the exercise of other powers surrogate expression of a model centralized government that is incompatible with the constitutional principles of decentralization and autonomy of the territories. In the case of return to nuclear power will be up to experts to determine whether any exercise of the powers replacement will be justified by the "serious danger to the safety and public safety "or" the protection of the legal or economic unity. "One thing is certain: the territories you can not buy you gag.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Zinc And Citrus Interaction

If it is a pretext ... PAY!

There is a bill introduced by Members of the PDL which currently is being evaluated in the Judiciary Committee to amend Art. 18 of Law No. 349, 1986 (Establishment of the Ministry of Environment and standards of environmental damage).

Essentially these gentlemen propose to introduce the responsibility of the case of associations of environmental protection because they say the " appeal the administrative judge is sufficient to prevent or delay the implementation of public works, without providing any means of accountability for environmental protection associations, which sometimes are specious claims, with the one and only purpose of preventing the making of the public. "

Appeals against public works deemed harmful to the environment are just resentments against those who do not understand well, this is what we mean?
It is believed that this "territorial selfishness' has its roots based in concerns about what might change decreasing the quality of life. is called into question the famous effect Nimby (not in my back yard) .. psychosis of this modern block any change to its territory.

Not in my garden! say these psychopaths who do not want (I quote from the bill): regasification plants, incinerators, rail corridors, biomass power stations, power lines, highways, landfills and incinerators. robetta by anything short Parliamentarians seconds!

The bill speaks only of the associations described in Article. 13 of Law No. 349/86 and say, "the associations and environmental protection, national, and those present in at least five regions identified by decree of the Minister for the Environment, " then relate" only "the major associations. But the art. 18 paragraph 5 (what you want to enrich" responsibility ") is a right of appeal to the administrative court by citizens' associations and also .
The bill seems to target only the associations described in Article 13, at least two paragraphs read as follows additional and so we hope. Otherwise, every democratic decency would be abandoned.

It 's a way to empower these pretentious ecologists say i promotori . Ma in questo modo in caso di “malafede” o di insuccesso giudiziario, le associazioni ricorrenti saranno condannate a pagare le spese processuali e a risarcire i danni. E nei danni è compreso anche il ritardo dei cantieri o la mancata realizzazione dell’opera.
Insomma se sei ricorsa al TAR mia cara associazione di rilevanza nazionale pensaci bene che se lo fai solo per ripicca poi paghi i danni!
Peccato che la credibilità e la coerenza per le associazioni ambientaliste siano in genere valori molto forti, e che cercare di fermare una grande opera è una scelta che non viene presa con leggerezza e che richiede anche osservazioni rilevanti e documentate per poter procedere.

seems totally unnecessary and damaging that this bill puts the brakes on demands of citizens on an issue like the environment. Issue that should be a priority for the possibility of real economic development and not just for the umpteenth growth of a few.

L. July 8, 1986, No. 349 the bill.