There is a bill introduced by Members of the PDL which currently is being evaluated in the Judiciary Committee to amend Art. 18 of Law No. 349, 1986 (Establishment of the Ministry of Environment and standards of environmental damage).
Essentially these gentlemen propose to introduce the responsibility of the case of associations of environmental protection because they say the " appeal the administrative judge is sufficient to prevent or delay the implementation of public works, without providing any means of accountability for environmental protection associations, which sometimes are specious claims, with the one and only purpose of preventing the making of the public. "
Appeals against public works deemed harmful to the environment are just resentments against those who do not understand well, this is what we mean?
It is believed that this "territorial selfishness' has its roots based in concerns about what might change decreasing the quality of life. is called into question the famous effect Nimby (not in my back yard) .. psychosis of this modern block any change to its territory.
Not in my garden! say these psychopaths who do not want (I quote from the bill): regasification plants, incinerators, rail corridors, biomass power stations, power lines, highways, landfills and incinerators. robetta by anything short Parliamentarians seconds!
The bill speaks only of the associations described in Article. 13 of Law No. 349/86 and say, "the associations and environmental protection, national, and those present in at least five regions identified by decree of the Minister for the Environment, " then relate" only "the major associations. But the art. 18 paragraph 5 (what you want to enrich" responsibility ") is a right of appeal to the administrative court by citizens' associations and also .
The bill seems to target only the associations described in Article 13, at least two paragraphs read as follows additional and so we hope. Otherwise, every democratic decency would be abandoned.
It 's a way to empower these pretentious ecologists say i promotori . Ma in questo modo in caso di “malafede” o di insuccesso giudiziario, le associazioni ricorrenti saranno condannate a pagare le spese processuali e a risarcire i danni. E nei danni è compreso anche il ritardo dei cantieri o la mancata realizzazione dell’opera.
Insomma se sei ricorsa al TAR mia cara associazione di rilevanza nazionale pensaci bene che se lo fai solo per ripicca poi paghi i danni!
Peccato che la credibilità e la coerenza per le associazioni ambientaliste siano in genere valori molto forti, e che cercare di fermare una grande opera è una scelta che non viene presa con leggerezza e che richiede anche osservazioni rilevanti e documentate per poter procedere.
seems totally unnecessary and damaging that this bill puts the brakes on demands of citizens on an issue like the environment. Issue that should be a priority for the possibility of real economic development and not just for the umpteenth growth of a few.
L. July 8, 1986, No. 349 the bill.
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