Possono anche essere state parolone, che forse non si avvereranno, ma è terrificante il fatto che abbiano solo il coraggio di esprimerle questa idee!!!!
Con una crisi energetica, economica, finanziaria, di valori, poltica e chi più ne ha più metta parte the solution of the nuclear race, and these short-sighted people do not see many alternatives, concrete and sustainable, there are.
The next step is to force the community to accept the monster, no ifs and buts. They want to make nuclear, what will they do for the rest? They will leave incinerators, gas turbines, cement kilns, biomass at the mercy of local NO psychosis to everything, is commonly defined as the protection of your health by "useless" people?
Nuclear power is clean energy, there is the problem of waste, and to compete and build a "safe nuclear" We need a technology that may already be exceeded when the plant will be completed.
In other words: it takes me 20 years to build a mobile phone screen in black and white and already you are doing your handheld!
Territories gagged
Raffaele Lupoli
by http://www.lanuovaecologia.it/
Government sets the criteria and identify the areas where construction companies locate plants. A strategy has already been tried fifteen years ago in the Campania region to locate incinerators. And the results are there for all to see. But no matter: the sites for the construction of nuclear power plants "decide who does energy company." During the TV broadcast Porta a Porta Economic Development Minister Claudio Scajola said that the bill for the return of nuclear power will provide for "the procedures and criteria of morphological, geographical, systems management." A
then decide where to build the plants will be companies that will have to identify "the place where you can meet" the criteria. In short, the policy does not take responsibility the choice is fine but we must not lose the nuclear ratings. In fact, it also provides a "sweetener" of an economic nature. It will seek consensus at the local level with incentives, said Scajola. Explaining that the people will benefit from the reactor behind the house, in terms of discounts "in the bill" electricity.
And even if the discount was enough to convince the inhabitants of a province not sticking? "If you were to just do not get consensus," the minister said , "will still be decisions taken at central level." Talk about participation!
Scajola has already prepared the plan B: "You may need to use gli strumenti previsti dall'articolo 120 della Costituzione per il bene del paese" surrogando le competenze degli enti locali.
Il comma 2 dell'articolo in questione riguarda la sussidiarietà e la leale collaborazione. Vale la pena di dargli una letta: "Il Governo può sostituirsi a organi delle Regioni, delle Città metropolitane, delle Province e dei Comuni nel caso di mancato rispetto di norme e trattati internazionali o della normativa comunitaria oppure di pericolo grave per l’incolumità e la sicurezza pubblica, ovvero quando lo richiedono la tutela dell’unità giuridica o dell’unità economica e in particolare la tutela dei livelli essenziali delle prestazioni concernenti i diritti civili e sociali, regardless of the geographic borders of local governments. "
The government" federalist ", therefore, on the one hand Pilate chose not to choose sites that will host the central threat to the exercise of other powers surrogate expression of a model centralized government that is incompatible with the constitutional principles of decentralization and autonomy of the territories. In the case of return to nuclear power will be up to experts to determine whether any exercise of the powers replacement will be justified by the "serious danger to the safety and public safety "or" the protection of the legal or economic unity. "One thing is certain: the territories you can not buy you gag.
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