Saturday, June 27, 2009

Strtdb80.exe Oracle 8i Startup Error

Food and reshuffles. The mall s'addafare!!

Tensioni, rimpasti, polemiche e unanimità di Consiglio comunale del 23 Giugno ha rivelato non poche sorprese.
La giunta comunale ha deciso di cambiare un pò di assessorati e deleghe. L'ex assessore al commercio Ernesto Billotta ha rimesso il suo incarico per incompatibilità e punti di vista differenti rispetto alla maggioranza. Incompatibilità derivanti dalla decisione presa poi riguardo l'area dell'ex Miralanza. Il Consiglio Comunale ha votato all'unanimità (o quasi) per il cambio di destinazione d'uso dell'area industriale dell'ex Miralanza.Quel terreno da oggi in poi avrà una denominazione commerciale per poter finalmente build mega mall so coveted by our administrators.
The only dissenting voice was raised by Councillor Sandy Novelli has listed several concerns about the project and the company wants to build. Not to mention the appeals pending before the Lazio by ConfCommercio and reviews of provincial and regional directors about the "saturation" of the commercial network of the province of Latina.
But the City jumps calls for regional funding for the development of so-called commercial areas, shopping areas and craft that is naturally located in towns and cities on the Appia prefer to build a Mega Store 5 times larger than LatinaFiori.
course we discussed the problem but the Appia road is under state jurisdiction, it will Anas was told. It will mean that we should evaluate the possible doubling of SS7, doubling that seems impractical given the constraints on well landscaped areas for typed, in the Appian way and are part of the surrounding area.
New Construction Ltd., a company that proposed the project seems to have a capital of 10,000 €, and has never built a shopping center.
Now, even the uninitiated would appear controversial, with a capital so small and possessed little experience, this company enjoys the benefit of all the political factions of our community. With an 'exception in the person of Novelli.
reshuffle will mean a municipal council for a mall??
's your answer ..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How Long Do West Elm Sales Last?

The elimination of any animal!

In genere si richiede a chi amministra un Comune una certa forma ed educazione nell'esprimere le proprie opinioni. E' comunemente stabilito che amministratori, sindaci, assessori e vice-sindaci assumano comportamenti degni della loro carica e, soprattutto, espressioni ponderate e intelligenti. Sembra che tra i nostri amministratori non sia proprio così...
Ciò che seguirà è solo la fedele trascrizione di una lettera inviata dall'ASSOCIAZIONE ANIMALI ED AMBIENTE di Aprilia al Sindaco del Comune di Pontinia, Dott.Eligio Tombolillo:

Aprilia, lì 11.05.2009

Subject: Stray Animals

Dear Mayor

last council in which they discussed the high costs that the City of
Pontinia faces for holding stray dogs looked after at the kennels
agreement, the SV is left to go to a reflection
purely demagogic: "With € 120 thousand you know how much rent we pay for
those in need?".
Well, Mayor, the law does not require municipalities to enter into agreements with private kennels
, whose costs are high for several reasons, but to build
kennels or giving them in managing their management associations
volunteer not-for- profit.
But the relevant fact, and very serious, was the behavior of
Vice-Mayor, Louis Subiaco, which, raving, he doth
a series of sentences, which certainly will be followed up: "Here you have rebel. Who
fact this law is a criminal society. If the dog is a stray should be eliminated, as with all animals. "
The delinquent social, according to Vice-Mayor, would be the parliament, which
August 14, 1991 approved the Framework Law on Animal and
disease and prevention of stray dogs (n.281), then implemented by the Regions .
Well, Mayor, myself, waiting to know what steps
take on, claims that it is immediately revoked the mandate of deputy mayor to Mr. Louis
Subiaco, the serious and offensive sentences issued against
legislators, while demonstrating a blatant disregard for the


Augustine Ruongo

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What Are The Different Color Bands For

To safeguard the landscape ...?

When the protection of the landscape is to blows with the new energies ..

VOLTERRA - The town that prohibits the clean energy
Gasperetti Corriere della Sera 05/06/2009
VOLTERRA (Pisa) - young and dynamic environment-minutes at Volterra, the first Joint deolicizzato "of Italy and also" liberated "by the solar panels. The cartel does not exist yet. And maybe there never will be. But, since it was approved the new Regulation for town planning, the citizen-na Pisa, a treasure trove of Etruscan, Roman and medieval history has come in the di-ban. The new legislation will prevent the installation-disc throughout the city, town and the Tuscan hills, plants and / or Lycian-standard and limits the use of panels solar. Not installed in the town, the latter, but only in industrial sites, and for his own use, in areas outside the walls of no particular pre-Thur. "A wise decision that protects the landscape and the value ar statistically in our city - the lights-ga Mayor Caesar Bartaloni (Pd) -. A measure that is not against renewables. You can not re-hoisted shovels next to huge cathedrals and bell tower-cam or deface the roofs of ancient buildings by strings of solar panels. "
Council's decision did not please the environmental-sti. Which announced a march on Volterra and I'm exposed Competition Authority. "Companies operating in the field of renewable ener-gies - explains Fabio Roggiolani, Regional Council and the leader of the Greens - will be penalized. An example of the ab-BIAM already had a ban-do absurd to install three small photovoltaic systems outside the historic center. And all this happens in a town famous for allowing the chemical to disfigure the sub-soil and pollute rivers. "While driving, the environ-mental dress up as vampires. "Not only because of the sym-darkness in which they throw the empty-town - says ecologist pisano Andrea Che­li — ma perché dopo i successi dei romanzi e dei film della sa­ga di Twilight ambientati an­che a Volterra, la città è diventa­ta il tempio degli amanti dei succhiasangue. Ora speriamo non diventi la capitale degli ammazza energia pulita».
Non tutti però la pensano co­sì. A favore del Comune si schiera Alberto Asor Rosa. Il professore, coordinatore della rete dei comitati per la difesa del territorio, premette di non essere contrario a priori dei confronti delle due energie la cui applicazione va studiata ca­so per caso. «Però in una città come Volterra mi sembra un provvedimento adeguato e to­talmente shared, "is instead dice.Contraria Mariella Zoppi, a university professor and landscape architect:" With al-ternative energy you have to deal without prejudice. I can not prohibit non-wind turbines and solar panels that not only give us clean energy, but the mind can integrate perfectly with the environment. That co-sa then we should do with the pylons? Shoot down all and remain in the dark? ".
The City's planning department of the town of Volterra, Andrea Cinotti, denies charges of Prohibition. "Although we may not be-cause the co-invasive eoli: the great sails around the town and the small wind turbines in the center. Small blades not more than two meters high, they may be installed in areas outside the village of no particular merit re-already-identified or industrial zones. And the same goes for solar panels. Defend-ing the environmental and architectural treasures is an act of civilization. " Meanwhile, in front of Volterra, the nearby town of Montecarlo-ni Val di Cecina hoisted me the first four-wheel high. The battle of the wind and the sun is just beginning.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How To Fix Braided Bracelets

environment, consumer and alternative lifestyles

There is a site open to creative Pontinia.
Sono un gruppo di ragazzi con la voglia di far conoscere, imparare e condividere. L'associazione Cantiere Creativo per Venerdì 5 Giugno ha organizzato un incontro su ambiente, consumismo e stili di vita alternativi. Si parlerà di rifiuti, decrescita felice e qualità della vita. Sarà proiettato un documentario e si parlerà soprattutto delle vicende pontine, tra turbogas, biomasse e raccolta rifiuti.

Tutti sono invitati a partecipare e a condividere idee e strumenti per rendere questo mondo un pò migliore rispetto a quello che vogliono costruire..
FRIDAY, June 5 21:30 PM at Public Library ...