Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Why Does Dr. Pepper Make Me Hiccup?


It 's amazing how we are slipping lower and lower with regard to the issue of democracy and the participation of cttadini.
The government, last April, through a decree-law chose for us, and without asking, to return to nuclear power. These politici dei piani alti ancora credono che sia il nucleare la via da percorrere per raggiungere l'indipendenza energetica dell'Italia. Ma dimenticano tutto il resto e cioè: energie rinnovabili, efficienza energetica e recupero.
Inoltre la questione del Segreto di Stato posto alla scelta dei siti è quantomeno discutibile. e noi di Latina in lista ci siamo....

Abbiamo bisogno di informarci su cosa il nucleare rappresenti, quali sono i rischi o i vantaggi che un ritorno al nucleare porta con sè. Tutta la popolazione dell'Agro Pontino ha bisogno di informarsi e capire. Dobbiamo essere pronti a spiegare il nostro NO. Che ce lo chiedano o meno, perchè la strada intrapresa sembra proprio quella di non ascoltare la gente. Ma noi vogliamo essere preparati...

ROMA - Quando il 12 maggio scorso il Senato diede il via libera al ritorno del nucleare in Italia, stabilì che sarebbero serviti sei mesi per scegliere i siti in cui installare le centrali. A distanza di sette mesi sarebbero stati individuati. Secondo i Verdi sono Montalto di Castro (Viterbo), già candidata a ospitare una centrale nucleare prima che l'Italia dicesse addio all'energia dell'atomo, Borgo Sabotino (Latina), Garigliano (Caserta), Trino Vercellese (Vercelli ), Caorso (Piacenza), Oristano, Palma (Agrigento ) And Monfalcone (Gorizia). But Enel does know "the government did not send any file that lists the sites for the construction of nuclear power plants in Italy." "The sites - according to a statement - will be identified only after the establishment by the executive and the Agency for Nuclear Safety Criteria for the location."

The dossier is strictly top secret: those who are familiar with, such as Enel CEO Fulvio Conti, said that not revealing the contents of "not even under torture." To date, therefore, is difficult to get official responses if you ask where the power will rise. Conti expects Directives Government of the beginning of 2010 and the launch of the Agency's safety. The new geography of the atom will match most closely the old with something new that takes into account the needs of the reactors at that time and those of new technology. Enel will carry them near coastal areas or near major rivers, as long as sparsely populated and remote from industrial sites.

the reaction of the Greens: "The areas are eligible according to Enel - said President Angelo Bonelli - so close to water, and as you know plants need a large quantity of water to work. We Greens will start the defense of nuclear sites to say yes and no to nuclear to solar. The government is pushing Italy into a dangerous adventure that will lead to the militarization of the territories and to increase citizens' electricity bills, because the 20 billion euro for the construction of power plants will pay you the Italians "." Berlusconi in Italy kills energies funding sources and speculation of expensive nuclear power. We will fight hard in the country, "said Bonelli.

The referendum of 8 November 1987, the year after the tragedy of Chernobyl, blocked Atomic Energy Agency. In May 2009, 'meeting of the Senate with 142 yes and 105 no (yes the PDL and the UDC, not the Democratic Party and IDV) it adopted the Articles 14-15 and 16 of the draft law "Development and Energy, which give the government delegation to adopt within six months, and after a resolution of the CIPE, more decrees for the restoration of the entire production chain ' Atomic energy: types and rules for the location of the plants, fuel storage, radioactive waste. In February, Berlusconi and Sarkozy signed an agreement for the production of nuclear energy involving EDF and Enel. For the construction of power plants by consortia procedures are speeded up the so-called "authorization only" to replace any type of license and permits except the EIA (environmental impact) and Vas (Impact assessment strategic). There will also be "compensatory measures in favor of the peoples concerned."