Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Why Does Dr. Pepper Make Me Hiccup?


It 's amazing how we are slipping lower and lower with regard to the issue of democracy and the participation of cttadini.
The government, last April, through a decree-law chose for us, and without asking, to return to nuclear power. These politici dei piani alti ancora credono che sia il nucleare la via da percorrere per raggiungere l'indipendenza energetica dell'Italia. Ma dimenticano tutto il resto e cioè: energie rinnovabili, efficienza energetica e recupero.
Inoltre la questione del Segreto di Stato posto alla scelta dei siti è quantomeno discutibile. e noi di Latina in lista ci siamo....

Abbiamo bisogno di informarci su cosa il nucleare rappresenti, quali sono i rischi o i vantaggi che un ritorno al nucleare porta con sè. Tutta la popolazione dell'Agro Pontino ha bisogno di informarsi e capire. Dobbiamo essere pronti a spiegare il nostro NO. Che ce lo chiedano o meno, perchè la strada intrapresa sembra proprio quella di non ascoltare la gente. Ma noi vogliamo essere preparati...

ROMA - Quando il 12 maggio scorso il Senato diede il via libera al ritorno del nucleare in Italia, stabilì che sarebbero serviti sei mesi per scegliere i siti in cui installare le centrali. A distanza di sette mesi sarebbero stati individuati. Secondo i Verdi sono Montalto di Castro (Viterbo), già candidata a ospitare una centrale nucleare prima che l'Italia dicesse addio all'energia dell'atomo, Borgo Sabotino (Latina), Garigliano (Caserta), Trino Vercellese (Vercelli ), Caorso (Piacenza), Oristano, Palma (Agrigento ) And Monfalcone (Gorizia). But Enel does know "the government did not send any file that lists the sites for the construction of nuclear power plants in Italy." "The sites - according to a statement - will be identified only after the establishment by the executive and the Agency for Nuclear Safety Criteria for the location."

The dossier is strictly top secret: those who are familiar with, such as Enel CEO Fulvio Conti, said that not revealing the contents of "not even under torture." To date, therefore, is difficult to get official responses if you ask where the power will rise. Conti expects Directives Government of the beginning of 2010 and the launch of the Agency's safety. The new geography of the atom will match most closely the old with something new that takes into account the needs of the reactors at that time and those of new technology. Enel will carry them near coastal areas or near major rivers, as long as sparsely populated and remote from industrial sites.

the reaction of the Greens: "The areas are eligible according to Enel - said President Angelo Bonelli - so close to water, and as you know plants need a large quantity of water to work. We Greens will start the defense of nuclear sites to say yes and no to nuclear to solar. The government is pushing Italy into a dangerous adventure that will lead to the militarization of the territories and to increase citizens' electricity bills, because the 20 billion euro for the construction of power plants will pay you the Italians "." Berlusconi in Italy kills energies funding sources and speculation of expensive nuclear power. We will fight hard in the country, "said Bonelli.

The referendum of 8 November 1987, the year after the tragedy of Chernobyl, blocked Atomic Energy Agency. In May 2009, 'meeting of the Senate with 142 yes and 105 no (yes the PDL and the UDC, not the Democratic Party and IDV) it adopted the Articles 14-15 and 16 of the draft law "Development and Energy, which give the government delegation to adopt within six months, and after a resolution of the CIPE, more decrees for the restoration of the entire production chain ' Atomic energy: types and rules for the location of the plants, fuel storage, radioactive waste. In February, Berlusconi and Sarkozy signed an agreement for the production of nuclear energy involving EDF and Enel. For the construction of power plants by consortia procedures are speeded up the so-called "authorization only" to replace any type of license and permits except the EIA (environmental impact) and Vas (Impact assessment strategic). There will also be "compensatory measures in favor of the peoples concerned."

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Flemish Giant Rabbits Nj

in Terracina Latina

Ulderico fish is an actor of the scene of the complaint.
We had already mentioned him in a previous post . And now comes in Terracina and Borgo Sabotino with the show "Stories of slag." A trip through Italy of nuclear power, told with simple and accessible voice.

Saturday, October 24 - Terracina (tensiostatico Balloon - adjacent sports hall. Via delle Arene)
                                  ore 20.45 spettacolo "Storie di Scorie"

Domenica 25 Ottobre - Borgo Sabotino, davanti la (ex) centrale nucleare.
                                    10.00 am extract of the play "Stories of Slags"

The danger of a restart of nuclear power plants in Italy is very real. E 'in May of 2009 that Parliament approvao the rule which invests the government with full powers for the choice of nuclear sites. Sites determined from above and covered by state secrecy.

Atomic energy is not what 'alternative energy and clean that you want to believe. There is still a process of disposing of nuclear waste, waste from nuclear power plant.
For the time being stored in drums protected inside huge warehouses. Good going. If it goes wrong in ships sunk or brought to the southern countries of the world.

Ulderico is an actor who complaint that is to say, and then verify. A report to us.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

What Color Trench Coat

The theater that no longer want to ...

"A people that does not help and does not promote his theater is dying if not dead"

Federico Garcia Lorca

Pontinia Maybe we citizens are not dead, but the council is the somewhat moribund.

The news of the transformation of the theater in a Fellini film comes as a late-summer downpour. Sure, many of us complained the fact of not having to Pontinia cinema?

still obviously someone complains: mothers who have no time to accompany the child to the Latin or boys considered too young to catch a bus and leave the country.

Yes, even the cinema culture. Too bad the film culture in recent years is a bit poor, not to mention that the theater has only one room available for a film project, then the question arises about the variety of films that can be transmitted.

But we can not miss the Christmas panettone of cinema, a must for every Italian average. Or should we lose the new Hollywood blockbuster catastrophic dialogues and 1000 with 4 extra-terrestrial monsters who want to attack the land ?????

Private Pontinia of this culture would be an unforgivable mistake for the administration which also boasts the opening of a museum of malaria, for them to sign Pontinia culture is at home.

After prime-time press conferences and answers back, we believe that the issue of the Teatro Fellini must now have an answer from us citizens.
were many people who appreciated and enjoyed these two theater seasons, many of us was happy with the good of shows that Clement Pernarella has organized a small theater in the country until a few years ago it was closed or underutilized. Many more people have discovered the other hand for the first time, and liked it.

Well, forget the theater next season !!!!!! You should see a movie and you especially do not want this, because the same film will be screened for at least two months given the lack of space for another project.

But the administration makes decisions without consulting or get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat were the theatrical season of the Teatro Fellini. Impossible for them to see that were not present in any of the shows. Those chairs in the front row with the text reserves were perpetually empty. The mayor's statements about the economic burden that the theater would have on municipal budgets is demonstrated by the numbers citing the artistic director Pernarella, almost € 7,000 a year .....

We want a movie theater?

say ours, we say that the City does not want any more movies and less theater. We become demanding, we want more theater and cinema as well. There are plans for mega shopping malls and the idea of put it there for a movie has not come to anyone? Since you must do this because they do not build there a monster rather than invent a single-screen cinema multiplex and let the Teatro Fellini remains the small theater in a small town, but cutting edge of the province of Latina.

Take the survey to the Homepage ...


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oz Vessalius Scythe Colored


on the project site are PontiniaWeb photo gallery and testimonials of the opening day of Pontinia. It 's very interesting to read the newspaper articles of that time, and exciting descriptions of items for embroidery describe the birth of the third city of Trustees on December 18, 1935.

the end it is our city, a country that has a little over 70 years and has received and still welcomes people from different parts of Italy and now also the world.

read as describing the ... Also on site are also much more information on pre-clearance.

Inauguration of Pontinia
pontiniaweb - Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Strtdb80.exe Oracle 8i Startup Error

Food and reshuffles. The mall s'addafare!!

Tensioni, rimpasti, polemiche e unanimità di voto..il Consiglio comunale del 23 Giugno ha rivelato non poche sorprese.
La giunta comunale ha deciso di cambiare un pò di assessorati e deleghe. L'ex assessore al commercio Ernesto Billotta ha rimesso il suo incarico per incompatibilità e punti di vista differenti rispetto alla maggioranza. Incompatibilità derivanti dalla decisione presa poi riguardo l'area dell'ex Miralanza. Il Consiglio Comunale ha votato all'unanimità (o quasi) per il cambio di destinazione d'uso dell'area industriale dell'ex Miralanza.Quel terreno da oggi in poi avrà una denominazione commerciale per poter finalmente build mega mall so coveted by our administrators.
The only dissenting voice was raised by Councillor Sandy Novelli has listed several concerns about the project and the company wants to build. Not to mention the appeals pending before the Lazio by ConfCommercio and reviews of provincial and regional directors about the "saturation" of the commercial network of the province of Latina.
But the City jumps calls for regional funding for the development of so-called commercial areas, shopping areas and craft that is naturally located in towns and cities on the Appia prefer to build a Mega Store 5 times larger than LatinaFiori.
course we discussed the problem but the Appia road is under state jurisdiction, it will Anas was told. It will mean that we should evaluate the possible doubling of SS7, doubling that seems impractical given the constraints on well landscaped areas for typed, in the Appian way and are part of the surrounding area.
New Construction Ltd., a company that proposed the project seems to have a capital of 10,000 €, and has never built a shopping center.
Now, even the uninitiated would appear controversial, with a capital so small and possessed little experience, this company enjoys the benefit of all the political factions of our community. With an 'exception in the person of Novelli.
reshuffle will mean a municipal council for a mall??
's your answer ..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How Long Do West Elm Sales Last?

The elimination of any animal!

In genere si richiede a chi amministra un Comune una certa forma ed educazione nell'esprimere le proprie opinioni. E' comunemente stabilito che amministratori, sindaci, assessori e vice-sindaci assumano comportamenti degni della loro carica e, soprattutto, espressioni ponderate e intelligenti. Sembra che tra i nostri amministratori non sia proprio così...
Ciò che seguirà è solo la fedele trascrizione di una lettera inviata dall'ASSOCIAZIONE ANIMALI ED AMBIENTE di Aprilia al Sindaco del Comune di Pontinia, Dott.Eligio Tombolillo:

Aprilia, lì 11.05.2009

Subject: Stray Animals

Dear Mayor

last council in which they discussed the high costs that the City of
Pontinia faces for holding stray dogs looked after at the kennels
agreement, the SV is left to go to a reflection
purely demagogic: "With € 120 thousand you know how much rent we pay for
those in need?".
Well, Mayor, the law does not require municipalities to enter into agreements with private kennels
, whose costs are high for several reasons, but to build
kennels or giving them in managing their management associations
volunteer not-for- profit.
But the relevant fact, and very serious, was the behavior of
Vice-Mayor, Louis Subiaco, which, raving, he doth
a series of sentences, which certainly will be followed up: "Here you have rebel. Who
fact this law is a criminal society. If the dog is a stray should be eliminated, as with all animals. "
The delinquent social, according to Vice-Mayor, would be the parliament, which
August 14, 1991 approved the Framework Law on Animal and
disease and prevention of stray dogs (n.281), then implemented by the Regions .
Well, Mayor, myself, waiting to know what steps
take on, claims that it is immediately revoked the mandate of deputy mayor to Mr. Louis
Subiaco, the serious and offensive sentences issued against
legislators, while demonstrating a blatant disregard for the


Augustine Ruongo

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What Are The Different Color Bands For

To safeguard the landscape ...?

When the protection of the landscape is to blows with the new energies ..

VOLTERRA - The town that prohibits the clean energy
Gasperetti Corriere della Sera 05/06/2009
VOLTERRA (Pisa) - young and dynamic environment-minutes at Volterra, the first Joint deolicizzato "of Italy and also" liberated "by the solar panels. The cartel does not exist yet. And maybe there never will be. But, since it was approved the new Regulation for town planning, the citizen-na Pisa, a treasure trove of Etruscan, Roman and medieval history has come in the di-ban. The new legislation will prevent the installation-disc throughout the city, town and the Tuscan hills, plants and / or Lycian-standard and limits the use of panels solar. Not installed in the town, the latter, but only in industrial sites, and for his own use, in areas outside the walls of no particular pre-Thur. "A wise decision that protects the landscape and the value ar statistically in our city - the lights-ga Mayor Caesar Bartaloni (Pd) -. A measure that is not against renewables. You can not re-hoisted shovels next to huge cathedrals and bell tower-cam or deface the roofs of ancient buildings by strings of solar panels. "
Council's decision did not please the environmental-sti. Which announced a march on Volterra and I'm exposed Competition Authority. "Companies operating in the field of renewable ener-gies - explains Fabio Roggiolani, Regional Council and the leader of the Greens - will be penalized. An example of the ab-BIAM already had a ban-do absurd to install three small photovoltaic systems outside the historic center. And all this happens in a town famous for allowing the chemical to disfigure the sub-soil and pollute rivers. "While driving, the environ-mental dress up as vampires. "Not only because of the sym-darkness in which they throw the empty-town - says ecologist pisano Andrea Che­li — ma perché dopo i successi dei romanzi e dei film della sa­ga di Twilight ambientati an­che a Volterra, la città è diventa­ta il tempio degli amanti dei succhiasangue. Ora speriamo non diventi la capitale degli ammazza energia pulita».
Non tutti però la pensano co­sì. A favore del Comune si schiera Alberto Asor Rosa. Il professore, coordinatore della rete dei comitati per la difesa del territorio, premette di non essere contrario a priori dei confronti delle due energie la cui applicazione va studiata ca­so per caso. «Però in una città come Volterra mi sembra un provvedimento adeguato e to­talmente shared, "is instead dice.Contraria Mariella Zoppi, a university professor and landscape architect:" With al-ternative energy you have to deal without prejudice. I can not prohibit non-wind turbines and solar panels that not only give us clean energy, but the mind can integrate perfectly with the environment. That co-sa then we should do with the pylons? Shoot down all and remain in the dark? ".
The City's planning department of the town of Volterra, Andrea Cinotti, denies charges of Prohibition. "Although we may not be-cause the co-invasive eoli: the great sails around the town and the small wind turbines in the center. Small blades not more than two meters high, they may be installed in areas outside the village of no particular merit re-already-identified or industrial zones. And the same goes for solar panels. Defend-ing the environmental and architectural treasures is an act of civilization. " Meanwhile, in front of Volterra, the nearby town of Montecarlo-ni Val di Cecina hoisted me the first four-wheel high. The battle of the wind and the sun is just beginning.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How To Fix Braided Bracelets

environment, consumer and alternative lifestyles

There is a site open to creative Pontinia.
Sono un gruppo di ragazzi con la voglia di far conoscere, imparare e condividere. L'associazione Cantiere Creativo per Venerdì 5 Giugno ha organizzato un incontro su ambiente, consumismo e stili di vita alternativi. Si parlerà di rifiuti, decrescita felice e qualità della vita. Sarà proiettato un documentario e si parlerà soprattutto delle vicende pontine, tra turbogas, biomasse e raccolta rifiuti.

Tutti sono invitati a partecipare e a condividere idee e strumenti per rendere questo mondo un pò migliore rispetto a quello che vogliono costruire..
FRIDAY, June 5 21:30 PM at Public Library ...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Can Gallbladder Polyp Be Removed Without Surgery

You can do it!! Complaint

Take kilowatts of renewable energy and add a dose of mutuality. Blend. You have created an electric cooperative of producers and users together as "Retenergie, who was born in Fossano in the province of Cuneo, in late December. The aim: to deliver green electricity "and strictly self-produced its members. To questo, nella fase iniziale i soci fondatori (che sono 13) stanno lavorando a progettare e sviluppare i primi impianti di produzione (fotovoltaici, micro-idroelettrici), quelli che renderanno possibile realizzare il fine statutario della cooperativa: “Fornire tecnologie e prodotti energetici alle migliori condizioni di utilizzo, tecniche, ambientali ed economiche”. A breve dovrebbe partire la costruzione dei primi due impianti: un micro-idroelettrico in provincia di Reggio Emilia e un tetto fotovoltaico su un edificio pubblico in Toscana. Del “capitale” di energia rinnovabile di “Retenergie” fa parte anche il tetto fotovoltaico da 20 kilowatt di una cooperativa sociale di Mondovì (nella foto), in provincia di Cuneo. It was opened in spring 2008 and is the result of the campaign "Adopt a kilowatt," sponsored by "Solar collective" ( www.solarecollettivo.it ). "With the electric cooperative closes a virtuous circle that starts coming from production to consumption: we can include end-users of energy in this picture."
Mark Mariano is an organic farmer and president of the cooperative "Retenergie. It was his, a couple of years ago, the blog "40 years just facts," the idea of \u200b\u200bnetworking to build a photovoltaic collective initiative that gave Solar collective life. "We set ourselves a year to settle all the formalities regarding the transmission of energy through the national network of Terna, and issues relating to the 'energy bill' and 'green certificates'. In a year and a half we hope to distribute electricity to its members. " "Retenergie" look closely and try to replicate (in a strictly "green"), the century-old experience of electric cooperatives in the Alps, which are 34 and need at least 50 thousand users (see Ae 99): within the arrangements for the liberalization of the electricity market (see Ae 101), only allows the cooperative form to produce electricity and sell it, since it becomes a service to its members, who are clients at the same time owners. "We are calculating the cost of the service-explains-Mariano, because the facilities will be de-localized from the homes of members, we will use the power line to carry this energy, rent Terna." Who wants to join the founders of Retenergia "ask a little 'patience: it will be possible from April to become the cooperative investor (by paying a minimum of 500 € over five months from the date of subscription). Each grant will be linked to one of the projects of renewable energy as defined by the cooperative; those who open their doors to cooperative members (minimum of 50 €), who signed with "Retenergia" the contract for the supply of energy. Marco Mariano calls it democracy energy: "energy from renewable sources, financed, produced, managed, secured and now consumed by the citizens / members.
Info: Retenergie, via Marene 18b, Fossano (Cuneo); website www.retenergie.it ,
tel. 333-46.82.519 e-mail nuovaterra@gem.it (Mark) or davide.burdisso @ fastwebnet.it (David)

Friday, May 15, 2009

How Can I Stop Unwanted Erections?


It's called
Ulderico Fish and his is a scene of the complaint. In recent years sought to collect true stories around Italy and between scandals and has told some old stories.
fish comes from Basilicata or Lucania, as you prefer, was formed and grew up in Rome as an actor began with Giorgio Albertazzi. When he met Anatoli Vassilev that brought him to Moscow for three years and worked around Europe, he realized the road had to go. He began to collect testimonies of real things, he wrote and told stories as did his grandfather, the narrator-grinder of the country. "I began to tell the stories that annoy the powers that be, the" caste " the criminals, so that on my back I do not have the heavy wheel of my grandfather, but few complaints. "
Ulderico Fish told the Italian laborers of the South after World War II, the 21 days of factory workers at Melfi yesterday, as those of today with the unrest of 2004.
This year he toured with the triangle of slavery, stories of illegal immigrants in the Apulian countryside. He brought in theater history of John Passannante young anarchist who tried to kill Umberto I of Savoy in early 900. And he has collected over 5,000 signatures to offer him a proper burial. His skull was kept in the Archaeological Museum in Rome since the time of his death, which was passed after years of torture in a cell underground in St. Helena, was open and designed to verify the claims of genetic-criminogenic Lombroso.

Ulderico But Fish also denounced the environmental crimes. With his show of 2005 Stories of slag told the story of nuclear Belpaese, deeds and misdeeds of a policy blind irresponsabile.Sempre through a collection of signatures was able to secure the safety of a pipeline starting at the central atomic Trisaia Rotondella in the province of Matera that led into the Ionian Sea in the radioactive liquid. In addition to nuclear spoke of "rubbish" and illegal trafficking disposal of hazardous waste as well as those considered non-hazardous. And asbestos.
His theater is a theater of truth and true stories accompanied by concrete actions. On the site

www.uldericopesce.com find all his shows and petitions to sign.

Among the petitions are those working for the abolition of the Bossi-Fini law on immigration and the introduction in Italy of the crime of environmental damage, yet non-existent for our penal code!!

We sign people we sign ...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Labeled Shark Drawings


Pieni poteri al governo per decidere dove e quando costruire le nuove centrali nucleari.

Saranno siti di rilevanza nazionale, protetti da segreto militare, costruiti anche in deroga ai no delle Regioni e bypassando numerosi permessi amministrativi. È la grande novità contenuta in due soli articoli (14 e 15) passati ieri al Senato nel silenzio generale.

Stasera la legge delega n.1195 otterrà il via definitivo (ma gli articoli sul nucleare sono già stati votati ieri) poi ci sarà un passaggio veloce alla Camera e con publication in the Journal's it.

"The government has six months - told Metro Roberto Della Seta, Pd senator - to do everything: the delegation gives full powers and it is unclear on the location of sites. Not one line on the geological characteristics, for example. Will be areas not easily accessible because military secrecy and the regions can not say no. " The node remains concerned: to build five power plants would need 30 billion announced. Where do they come?

(meters STEFANIA fun on Rome 05/13/2009)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bollywood Model Showing Boobs

Clean Energy !!!!!!

Just turn a little on the internet, let un commento su questo blog con un indirizzo importante (grazie Paola)....e guarda un pò cosa si può scoprire!!!!

E' disponibile una nuovissima tecnologia in grado di eliminare definitivamente e a costo zero , il 45% dell’inquinamento ambientale dell’area dei Paesi industrializzati.

Gli impianti sono costituiti da “MODIFICATORI MOLECOLARI” (da non confondere con i vecchi e inquinanti “Dissociatori Molecolari”) e possono trattare qualsiasi quantità di rifiuti sia prima che dopo la differenziazione, ma soprattutto sono costruiti gratuitamente e messi a disposizione di Enti Pubblici e Governi da Fin. Project Group che, dal Gennaio 2009, con una particolare formula li finanzia completamente e li gestisce in Project financing, lasciandoli successivamente di completa proprietà dell’Ente Pubblico richiedente.

Il “MODIFICATORE MOLECOLARE” elimina totalmente e definitivamente, ma soprattutto SENZA COMBUSTIONE, da un minimo di 70 a migliaia di tonnellate al giorno di RSU, tossici, infetti, fanghi civili, industriali, da raffinerie, ecc., senza la benché minima produzione di CO2, diossine, nanopolveri e/o qualunque altra sostanza inquinante.

Ma non è finita qui: Con il progetto €uroKilowatt è possibile per il cittadino non pagare piu corrente elettrica, gas and also maintain the water !!!!!

Meanwhile Pontinia rejoices in his collection (in) and talk about different gas turbines and biomass ...

We call on community leaders to take a ride on this site .. you could, why not see what they offer ...

The technical, scientific and archive operating systems, are available at www.finprojectgroup.us by clicking on "molecular alteration" and its sub-menu, through the simple application of a personal password.

Happy surfing!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mom And Son's Friend Stories


April 18, 2009 PRESS RELEASE
Recent statements and rants of the "new" plan for waste collection by the municipal administration seem to us a mockery. The plan is not just a repetition of what has not worked: colored bells for the collection.
The same study which commissioned the administration, and cost a few thousand euro, he said something else and that is that only the curbside collection does achieve significant results. The line seems to be that of the City di non appesantire troppo il lavoro dei cittadini, ma purtroppo solo così si raggiungono percentuali elevate di prodotti da riciclare, l’unico modo per rendere conveniente la raccolta differenziata incassando soldi non solo dalla Tarsu, ma anche dalla vendita dei prodotti da riciclare. E bisogna anche prevedere delle sanzioni per evitare che tutto venga vanificato da quelle persone che non accettano le regole.
Ci sembra utopistico arrivare al 30% di rifiuti riciclati non applicando la raccolta porta a porta.
Nessun paese in Italia riesce a raggiungere queste cifre con il sistema delle campane colorate. E poi da noi sono anni che ci sono e finora si è arrivati ad un misero 7%.
Non crediamo che sensibilizzare i cittadini con un informazione anche capillare e razionalizzare la disposizione delle campane colorate porterà a grandi risultati. La stessa Rete dei Cittadini per ben due volte ha organizzato campagne informative sul corretto riciclo dei rifiuti. Azioni che avrebbero dovuto essere accompagnate da un chiaro impegno istituzionale del Comune a far partire VERAMENTE la raccolta differenziata a Pontinia.
Guardiamoci intorno: Sermoneta con il porta a porta ha diminuito di molto la percentuale di rifiuti da portare in discarica, anche Cori sperimenta questa pratica. A Latina invece dove si raccoglie solo l’umido e si usano i cassonetti, non ci sono stati risultati apprezzabili. E intanto l'allargamento landfill Borgo Montello is configured to respond to the emergency waste.
The regional waste plans in 2008 to look at recycling as a primary objective to exit from receivership. The Region hopes to arrive in 2012 to 44.50% of waste recycled. Pontinia responds with bells ...
Network of Citizens of Pontinia

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What Technology Standard Provides For

. Naturally.

In an episode of the Italian political parlor door to door a few weeks ago, the Minister Scajola delinea la strategia per il grande ritorno al nucleare italiano. Nell' epoca dei localismi e dell'effetto Nymbi, il Ministro dello SVILUPPO ECONOMICO, ha la soluzione per costruire le centrali: togliere responsabilità al governo e uso della forza per convincere i cittadini. E dico, cos'avremmo mai da lamentrci, noi poveri cittadini, se ci costruiscono centrali nucleari dietro al giardino!!!!

Possono anche essere state parolone, che forse non si avvereranno, ma è terrificante il fatto che abbiano solo il coraggio di esprimerle questa idee!!!!

Con una crisi energetica, economica, finanziaria, di valori, poltica e chi più ne ha più metta parte the solution of the nuclear race, and these short-sighted people do not see many alternatives, concrete and sustainable, there are.
The next step is to force the community to accept the monster, no ifs and buts. They want to make nuclear, what will they do for the rest? They will leave incinerators, gas turbines, cement kilns, biomass at the mercy of local NO psychosis to everything, is commonly defined as the protection of your health by "useless" people?

Nuclear power is clean energy, there is the problem of waste, and to compete and build a "safe nuclear" We need a technology that may already be exceeded when the plant will be completed.
In other words: it takes me 20 years to build a mobile phone screen in black and white and already you are doing your handheld!

Why you always surf in the wrong direction??

Territories gagged
Raffaele Lupoli

by http://www.lanuovaecologia.it/

Government sets the criteria and identify the areas where construction companies locate plants. A strategy has already been tried fifteen years ago in the Campania region to locate incinerators. And the results are there for all to see. But no matter: the sites for the construction of nuclear power plants "decide who does energy company." During the TV broadcast Porta a Porta Economic Development Minister Claudio Scajola said that the bill for the return of nuclear power will provide for "the procedures and criteria of morphological, geographical, systems management." A

then decide where to build the plants will be companies that will have to identify "the place where you can meet" the criteria. In short, the policy does not take responsibility the choice is fine but we must not lose the nuclear ratings. In fact, it also provides a "sweetener" of an economic nature. It will seek consensus at the local level with incentives, said Scajola. Explaining that the people will benefit from the reactor behind the house, in terms of discounts "in the bill" electricity.
And even if the discount was enough to convince the inhabitants of a province not sticking? "If you were to just do not get consensus," the minister said , "will still be decisions taken at central level." Talk about participation!

Scajola has already prepared the plan B: "You may need to use gli strumenti previsti dall'articolo 120 della Costituzione per il bene del paese" surrogando le competenze degli enti locali.

Il comma 2 dell'articolo in questione riguarda la sussidiarietà e la leale collaborazione. Vale la pena di dargli una letta: "Il Governo può sostituirsi a organi delle Regioni, delle Città metropolitane, delle Province e dei Comuni nel caso di mancato rispetto di norme e trattati internazionali o della normativa comunitaria oppure di pericolo grave per l’incolumità e la sicurezza pubblica, ovvero quando lo richiedono la tutela dell’unità giuridica o dell’unità economica e in particolare la tutela dei livelli essenziali delle prestazioni concernenti i diritti civili e sociali, regardless of the geographic borders of local governments. "

The government" federalist ", therefore, on the one hand Pilate chose not to choose sites that will host the central threat to the exercise of other powers surrogate expression of a model centralized government that is incompatible with the constitutional principles of decentralization and autonomy of the territories. In the case of return to nuclear power will be up to experts to determine whether any exercise of the powers replacement will be justified by the "serious danger to the safety and public safety "or" the protection of the legal or economic unity. "One thing is certain: the territories you can not buy you gag.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Zinc And Citrus Interaction

If it is a pretext ... PAY!

There is a bill introduced by Members of the PDL which currently is being evaluated in the Judiciary Committee to amend Art. 18 of Law No. 349, 1986 (Establishment of the Ministry of Environment and standards of environmental damage).

Essentially these gentlemen propose to introduce the responsibility of the case of associations of environmental protection because they say the " appeal the administrative judge is sufficient to prevent or delay the implementation of public works, without providing any means of accountability for environmental protection associations, which sometimes are specious claims, with the one and only purpose of preventing the making of the public. "

Appeals against public works deemed harmful to the environment are just resentments against those who do not understand well, this is what we mean?
It is believed that this "territorial selfishness' has its roots based in concerns about what might change decreasing the quality of life. is called into question the famous effect Nimby (not in my back yard) .. psychosis of this modern block any change to its territory.

Not in my garden! say these psychopaths who do not want (I quote from the bill): regasification plants, incinerators, rail corridors, biomass power stations, power lines, highways, landfills and incinerators. robetta by anything short Parliamentarians seconds!

The bill speaks only of the associations described in Article. 13 of Law No. 349/86 and say, "the associations and environmental protection, national, and those present in at least five regions identified by decree of the Minister for the Environment, " then relate" only "the major associations. But the art. 18 paragraph 5 (what you want to enrich" responsibility ") is a right of appeal to the administrative court by citizens' associations and also .
The bill seems to target only the associations described in Article 13, at least two paragraphs read as follows additional and so we hope. Otherwise, every democratic decency would be abandoned.

It 's a way to empower these pretentious ecologists say i promotori . Ma in questo modo in caso di “malafede” o di insuccesso giudiziario, le associazioni ricorrenti saranno condannate a pagare le spese processuali e a risarcire i danni. E nei danni è compreso anche il ritardo dei cantieri o la mancata realizzazione dell’opera.
Insomma se sei ricorsa al TAR mia cara associazione di rilevanza nazionale pensaci bene che se lo fai solo per ripicca poi paghi i danni!
Peccato che la credibilità e la coerenza per le associazioni ambientaliste siano in genere valori molto forti, e che cercare di fermare una grande opera è una scelta che non viene presa con leggerezza e che richiede anche osservazioni rilevanti e documentate per poter procedere.

seems totally unnecessary and damaging that this bill puts the brakes on demands of citizens on an issue like the environment. Issue that should be a priority for the possibility of real economic development and not just for the umpteenth growth of a few.

L. July 8, 1986, No. 349 the bill.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Cera Sanitaryware Is Good Brand?

EIA for the shopping center ..

all know the debate about the mega project of "rehabilitation" of the monster Mirala in a mega shopping mall, and we all have an opinion.
Everyone wants to think like and you can also said to be a driving force for the country's economy, one third of the structure will be specifically dedicated to local products: a market of local products is said to do.
And they say that will create new jobs, and it is said that this ugly tower that stands in the middle of what remained of the factory will become a panoramic lift, glass!! You can see Pontinia?

That project, which re! What a story! What a mess !!!!!!!

The Mirala is a factory of detergents now inactive since the late '80s. Perhaps more than one third of those living in Pontinia worked there as a boy e da adulto. Tutti ricordano com'era lavorare lì. Ora quando ci passiamo davanti lo spettacolo è veramente desolante. E allora ecco che arrivano le proposte: facciamo un centro commrciale di 240.000 metri cubi!!.....


Lo sappiamo che un centro commerciale non è soltanto costruire un edificio? Che bisogna predisporre l'area circostante, cioè costruire infrastrutture nella norma e alla portata del carico che le strade dovranno sostenere?
E che dire della qualifica di Distretto agro-alimentare di qualità che dovrebbe essere conferito ai prodotti provenienti dai terreni circostanti the mega-project?
A traffic micro-dust and dust will settle on the products and food animals. Farewell mark of quality!
Not only that, the need to build roads with all the security measures required would entail a radical transformation of ditches and canals, and pre-clearance. The Appian Way is not the surest way in the world and change it is objectively impossible, with the channel on one side and an unconditional release of the enlargement on the other.
They know also the originators of the idea that the large area we're talking about is protected by law because it defined "good scenery" and "typed area", as the PTPR, for caratteristiche uniche delle opere di bonifica e degli appoderamenti sparsi sul territorio?

Per tutte queste questioni ci appare opportuno richiedere almeno una Valutazione di Impatto Ambientale prima di passare alla definitiva consacrazione di un progetto dalle dimensioni eccessive per un paese come Pontinia e per le caratteristiche del territorio sul quale dovrebbe sorgere.

QUI il testo completo della richiesta che a giorni verrà inoltrata agli organi competenti.

Il nostro non è un NO ad un progetto che ha comunque lati oscuri ancora da chiarire, ma la richiesta di attivazione proceedings necessary for the protection of our territory, wrested from nature, but which preserves fragile and unique characteristics.

network of third-Pontinia.

Can Period Cause Red Cervix

Request VIA per il progetto del Centro commerciale a Pontinia

the President of the Regione Lazio Piero Marrazzo

alderman Planning
Esterino Montino
All 'Councillor for Agriculture
Daniela Valentini
alderman Environment
Filiberto Zaratti

and p. C.

the Prefect of Latin
Bruno Frattasi

the President Province of Latina
Armando Cusani
alderman Public Works
Salvatore De Monaco
All 'Councillor Planning
Franco Taddeo
alderman Environment and Quality of Life
Alderman Robert Best
Henry Tiero
All 'Councillor for Archaeological, Historical and Monumental
Fabio Bianchi

the Mayor of Pontinia
Eligio Tombolillo
Aldermen and Councillors of the majority and opposition

the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Lazio
Province of Latina

ARPA - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection Environmental LazioSezione Provincial Latin

the ASL Latina

The Chairman of the Consortium of Reclamation of the Pontine Marshes
Carlo Crocetti

All 'ANAS Rome - Latin
Subject: Request for activation of the procedure of compatibility and environmental impacts under to D. LGS. 4 / 2008 as an addition to D. LGS. 152/06 (EIA and SEA) in reference to "recovery and conversion of the disused former industrial complex Mirala at the mall (retail) owned by Reckitt Benckiser Italy SpA promoter New Construction Ltd., in Mesa location via SS 7 Appia to 86,150 km in the municipality of Pontinia (LT). Administrative acts: Council Resolution Recommend Resolution No. 194 of 20/12/2007 and 12/05/2008 the number 64.

In accordance with the provisions and principles of the above-mentioned legislative decree:
• protection of human health
• improving the quality of life through better environmental conditions
• biodiversity conservation
• the conservation of reproductive capacity of ecosystems
• environmental protection
the environmental impact assessment describes and evaluates the effects of the project on human beings, fauna, flora, soil, water, air, climate, landscape, material assets and on cultural heritage as well as the interrelationships tra tutti gli elementi e soggetti tutelati.

In virtù di questi principi la Rete dei Cittadini di Pontinia sensibile ed attiva sul territorio alle problematiche sociali, culturali ed ambientali chiede l’attivazione della procedura in oggetto per i motivi così esposti:

1- L’area oggetto di recupero e riconversione è un sito industriale dismesso utilizzato tra gli anni 60 ed 80 per la produzione chimica di detersivi, i luoghi in disuso ed abbandono necessitano di bonifica e riqualificazione ambientale come descritto dalla Direttiva 2004/35/CE, D.lgs.152/06 ed in funzione del cambiamento di destinazione d’uso dell’area da industriale a commerciale, sostituendo i degradati ed obsoleti impianti exist with the creation of a new mega for wide distribution, consisting of 30,000 square meters of real estate to a volume of 240,000 cubic meters on an area of \u200b\u200b10 hectares.

2 - The site is located in the agricultural zone as specified by the PRG city, located 7.5 km from the nearest urban center Pontinia, in the midst of tens of thousands of hectares with total commitment to farming and livestock production, where the region Lazio has identified and established the district agro-food products from the garden-quality fruit, LR 23/01/2006 No. 1, in 14 municipalities in the province of LT, in dictating economic policy development and functional protection of a primary such as agriculture and animal husbandry attached, also to be considered references related to this policy direction issued by the European Community to Regulation 2092/91 EEC into law with DM220/95, 1804/99 EC and DM n.91436 of 4 / 8 / 2000 et seq. mod. that address aimed at resolving the crisis in the sector affected by the increase would be unsustainable and detrimental to traffic concentrated in the area which releases a huge amount of exhaust gas composed in part by micro harmful to the human body, pollutants that would fall on agricultural crops and livestock to neighboring streets to the operation of interconnected shopping center in the European directives and regulations national above between the various aspects and principles you specify: the product grown and sold the residue of synthetic chemicals must be zero, the condition sine qua non for food with organic certification and quality labels and categories for which supported by industry associations and local government bodies strive for at specific sites and institutions.

3 - Moreover, the complex real estate needs of new works and adaptations to urbanization primary (to be implemented in the agricultural zone) for the roads surrounding the site, such as the SS 7 Appia intersecting streets named Miles the provincial and municipal roads undersized, devoid of junctions, roundabouts, lane-bys especially emergency works needed to accommodate and slide safely concentration of thousands of vehicles entering and leaving the shopping center, in addition to the existing and summer tourist resort coming from provinces of Frosinone and Rome Sabaudia and Terracina direction by adding to traffic purely local agricultural and construction equipment necessary for the conduct of special agricultural and livestock typically the Pontine region.

4 - to mega infrastructure adjustments would cause a radical change in the landscape and environmental fabric in sharp contrast with the regulations and D.Lgs.42/2004 PTPRLR37/83 and LR24/98 in merito alla tutela, valorizzazione ed imposizioni di vincoli sui “beni paesaggistici” per le “aree tipicizzate” in considerazione delle caratteristiche tipologiche degli appoderamenti in Agro Pontino, in particolare le “tenute di Mesa” dislocate nell’area circostante le opere in oggetto; inoltre non si comprende come si possano realizzare opere accessorie come descritto al punto 3 ai fini della sicurezza stradale per la SS 7 Appia con vincolo archeologico e fascia di rispetto di 150 metri per lato compreso un limite naturale determinato dal canale “Linea Pio VI” sottoposto a tutela “corso d’acqua pubblico” art.7 L.R.24/98 che scorre parallelo ed in aderenza da nord a sud per decine di km, these works also subject to regulation under the PAI L.183/89, LR53/98 LR39/96 and may be the need to divert or drain ditches and canals for a few hundred meters or kilometers to adapt and implement security viability according to the Highway Code, for example adjacent to the road were not to be confused with the road bumps but funnels consortium called "miliary was" made with the reclamation of the Pontine Marshes made in 1770 by the Papal States, that the logic of PTPR should be protected in "Landscape Assets" areas typed "channels of agricultural reclamation, today these hydraulic works necessary for the discharge of stormwater and land drainage are part of a network of pipes and infrastructure built in the twenties and thirties, managed by the Consortium of Reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, which takes care of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance ensuring worker safety, avoiding environmental damage from possible flooding and / fees of hundreds of hectares of man-made. In relation to

PTPR shows: The Constitutional Court ruling No. 180, May 30, 2008 states that following the changes introduced by Legislative Decree no. 63/2008 code of cultural heritage and landscape (Legislative Decree no. 42/2004) it strengthened the principle of primacy of the landscape on provisions of the acts of planning for territorial impact required by industry regulations. In fact, "Art. 145, entitled" Coordination of landscape planning with other planning tools, "trust (paragraph 1) to the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture, first, the identification of the" guidelines of the land national level regarding the protection of the landscape, to address the planning objectives, "also set up that (paragraph 2)" the landscape plans include provisions for coordination with the territorial planning instruments and sector, and with the plans, programs and national and regional projects of economic development. " The same art. 145 provides, in paragraph 3, the principle of "priority of the landscape plans over other planning instruments, stating that:" With regard to the protection of the landscape, the provisions of the landscape plans are still prevalent on the provisions contained in the acts of planning for impact land required by industry regulations.

Given the complexity of multidisciplinary scientific and technical subjects treated inability to effectively make them in these pages, we are willing to further information and clarification, however, considering that the factors considered and reasons given are more than sufficient to start the indicated in question.

Thank you in advance for your kind attention and response.
Pontinia on 28/03/2009

The Network of Citizens - noturbogaspontinia@hotmail.it

Saturday, March 28, 2009

How Much Does Angus T Jones Get Paid


What is the crime of self laundering? Reports in the episode Sunday, March 23 tells us how this crime in Italy is not yet covered by law.

who sells drugs and recirculate the money, may be punished for drug trafficking but not for-laundering. The International Monetary Fund, the Governor of the Bank of Italy and the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor would have liked for years the introduction ma al momento il disegno di legge che lo prevede è sepolto in un cassetto.

E in Italia le mafie autoriciclano i loro proventi illegali tramite la costruzione di mega centri commerciali. Affari da milioni di euro che ingoiano l'economia pulita nel circuito di quella sporca.

Meditiamo gente, meditiamo...

Zipo Lighter Fluid Drying Out

La Pontinia Rinnovabili Vs Comune e Provincia

Come annunciato lo scorso 10 Febbraio 2009 con comunicato, la società Pontinia Rinnovabili srl, l'azienda intenzionata a costruire la centrale a biomasse, ha presentato ricorso al TAR contro il Comune di Pontinia e la Provincia di Latina chiedendo il risarcimento dei danni a fronte del NO espresso dal Sindaco di Pontinia e dalla Provincia di Latina alla costruzione della centrale.

Un NO motivato soprattutto dalle dimensioni che questa centrale dovrebbe avere con una produzione stimata di 22 MW a fronte degli 8 necessari e richiesti da Piani provinciali e regionali.

Secondo l'azienda i due Enti stanno provocando un danno che ammonterebbe a circa 20 milioni di euro se non si procederà al piu presto a dare l'assenso. La Pontinia Rinnovabili critica alle amministrazioni scarsa sensibilità verso le urgenze occupazionali e di rilancio of this area at this point that the real risk of losing a "NO POLICY" a project with high environmental value economic impact of extraordinary importance. least for them, you might say. In fact, the Renewable Pontinia risk losing funding from the Ministry for Productive Activities for 8 million euro (falling in the incentives CIP6).

The use of TAR does not seem to bother the mayor convinced of his own choice. He expects that the Joint Conference State-Regions, the technical panel that the province of Latina has designated as a place where the final decision will be taken and in which, according to the Renewable Pontinia, The entire project will demonstrate its necessity and goodness.

We'll see. The Network has already expressed its arguments to the contrary biomass sottolinenado oversizing of the plant and the objective difficulties in finding useful material for combustion. The TAR instead pronuncierà between 30 days and only then will verify whether the municipality will have to repay waste of time that caused the company to ensure the sustainability of the project.
is also a step closer (April 9) the Joint Conference will cover the gas turbines. A meeting really important to preserve our land and the whole province, because in addition to the gas turbine Mazzocchio decisions will be taken also for Aprilia.
We'll see who among those in power, will be the spokesman of our rights as citizens to a healthy environment and healthy.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Windows For Sand Cars


Dear Councillor Paul Torelli,

do not know how to express the our surprise at the words that you uttered in the press today in the newspapers today and the Latina province. Amazement in trying to understand what faults we have spotted and why.
Given that the controversy is always sterile and inconclusive, we do not understand, we boys of the Network of Citizens, what caused the spark that gave birth to your press release.

Perhaps the finding that the administration and the institutions do not seem ALL allegiance to the central Turbogas NO to this so bad for the area?

The fact that the expropriation of land continue indifference is a sign of a total lack of interest by any person performing a public role to block the process for building. A total lack of interest going on now for two years now, even in fora such as the numerous technical meetings that have taken place, where together with our network of representatives and Tombolillo or Lilbralato, no other advisor, assessor or politician in office has never presented.

We ask ourselves, us ordinary citizens not holding any elected office , but what else will be doing more important? In the end it's their job. Certainly not ours.
And then you think too much dear Paul does not draw some kind of elective induction or even professional, to express her opinions, certainly not born of political motives but by clear motivation regarding health and development of our territory?

Even the Statute of the City of Pontinia Article 72.1 reads "All citizens , the Borough Council, trade unions and other social groups may have in the field of social services, development economic and spatial planning, proposals for action of general interest "and then again art. 72.2 " may also address requests and petitions demanding action or envisage the need for collective needs .

you ask me: who benefits a battaglia contro un mega impianto inquinante in una zona a vocazione agricola e zootecnica. Per di più minacciata dall’entrata in scena di una centrale a biomasse, che si vuole sovradimensionata rispetto alle esigenze energetiche non solo del territorio ma del paese intero? Diccelo tu chi vince in questa battaglia. O spiegaci l’’espressione creare confusione politica da “grilliani”.
Noi siamo convinti che c’è bisogno di innovare e sperimentare nuove fonti energetiche , compatibili con il tessuto agricolo del territorio. La Rete dei Cittadini non ha alcuna motivazione o direzione politica, nei fatti ha sempre dimostrato di perseguire il comune interesse e di essere coerente con ciò he preaches.
And then dear Paul, we can agree on a battle that there are problems here too?
Parliamentary Question Meloni? Bravissimo, you had to do it. It 's the duty of the office that you and anyone you do not acknowledge the merits.

To date those who had the means to stop the project Turbogas unfortunately they have not been used and still does not continue to use it. And 'this is what we want to denounce and bring to the attention of citizens and "experts", who has the burden and honor of an electoral mandate.



Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pregnancy Test Results Day Before Period Is Due



February 5, 2009

Pontinia of the Citizens' Network has highlighted a number of critical issues relating to the design of renewable Pontinia Ltd. The concerns raised in relation to it to Today, unfortunately, have not been allayed.

For our proposed solution is not compatible with the economic-productive and in particular the agricultural sector and it does not appear to be sustainable from an environmental perspective;
Today, more 'than ever to protect the heater it' Agriculture is a factor of great importance in the fabric Economic provincial perspective is also important in agriculture because it can be the driving force of our economy, provided that the agricultural world be able to open to typical quality. To do this we must act with conviction in terms of environmental protection.

The draft submitted by the Renewable Pontinia Srl convenient because there is too large, the same province shall be penalized in its energy plan, where the maximum required, and not a plant for all but the cumulative power of this type must not exceed 5 MW. This would
of combustion and thus a significant burden remarkable situation environmental, convinced that it is not possible to operate the plant only made with agricultural waste on site (both 'is true that no memorandum of understanding was signed with the most representative of the sector), stressing that this cycle consumption / production is not observed and the system does not seem sustainable in environmental terms. Views

then the will of the citizens and the City Council, which approved the clear opposition to such projects, we finally, it is fair to respect the will of the citizenship

the Citizens' Network pontine

Friday, January 9, 2009

Foam Wash And Power Scrub


On December 27, 2008 in the Auditorium "cost" of Sezze
Paolo Cima, as President of network of third-Pontinia , withdrew the Onirika AWARD 2008 for social commitment.

The event, organized by the publishing house and Cultural Association Onirika and periodic Real World, has seen many people and organizations winners of the Province of Latina who have distinguished themselves during the year 2008.

Onirika The motives of the publisher of the magazine and the Real World in the choice of our president:

for pursuing sustained efforts over the years with all the boys in the network of civic Pontinia, in collaboration with other local coordination throughout the territory of the Lazio region of Italy. Pleading for a cause, that of NO to the construction of the gas turbine Mazzocchio, creating a detailed and sustained information campaign in defense of public health and safeguarding the local economy whose competitiveness is based on all quality brands of products, and with the creation of a central gas turbines would be less.

But not only the citizens' network that has been established in the city of Pontinia. Even Pernarella
Clemente, artistic director of Teatro Fellini, received the award for Culture Onirika 2008.

by Paolo Cima so much emotion and heartfelt thanks to the organizers.

This recognition gives a further boost to efforts made so far. Instills hope and support for the struggle that President Paolo Cima, and all the citizens' network of Pontinia carry forward against the construction of the plant, for the protection of the local economy and health of citizens.

Soon there will be the Conference of the services which will be spoken of another burning issue and destructive for our area: that of the biomass power plant. This too the you want to Mazzocchio and this, like gas turbines, will prove futile and dangerous. We'll see how the administration will fight to prevent this.

We say NO to the gas turbine to Biomass and incinerators,
offer, recycling and alternative energy.

Prizes and awards of the First Edition of the Prize Onirika 2008:


Pernarella Clement, Actor and artistic director of Teatro Fellini Pontinia
Titta Ceccano and Julia Borelli, Mat Matutateatro
Greng Remo, Department of Culture of Sezze
Communication Web
Ignazio Romano - Setino.it


Maestro Francesco Belli, Direttore Latina Philarmonia

Luca Velletri, Cantante di fama nazionale e corista a San Remo

Comune Virtuoso



Ditta Onorati

Impegno Sociale

Paolo Cima, Presidente rete civica Pontinia per il NO alla Turbogas


SKJM, Campionesse del Mondo di Karate

Filippo Simeoni, Campione d'italia di ciclismo su strada