Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why Does My Cervix Feel Bigger


I kokedama consist of a plant, flowering or green, placed inside a "pearl moss "(this is the meaning of the word Japanese) with a diameter smaller than 10 cm ...
of ancient Japanese tradition, these fantastic creations green, helping to bring a touch of nature indoors ...

Here's how we build

1) Select a plant to be included in kokedama ... but that is small, type such as a mini rose, grown in pots 5.5 cm wide.
2) Get a box of sphagnum moss from controlled cultivation and fresh (if you take it from your garden, use the knife blade, removing a bit 'of the land below)
There will also be used: a plastic tray to work on, a squeeze bottle, a bucket, a spool of black cotton thread, a wooden stick.
Now immerse three handfuls of moss in the water and let soak for one night, lying on the tray and keep the moss moist by spraying the surface with water.
3) Squeeze sphagnum, place it on the tray and stretch the fibers to form a disk 15 cm in diameter, 2 cm thick.
Countersink the rose and place the lump of earth with its roots in the center of the disc moss, raised edges around the root plate, just below the leaves and twigs.
Work with both hands and rotate at the moss to form a sphere.

4) Holding the ball with one hand and rotate it with the other wrap cotton yarn by passing it several times on the surface. Work is finished do not break the thread.
5) Appoggiate una zolla di muschio sulla sfera di sfagno, premete per farla aderire e fissatela con qualche giro di filo di cotone. Procedete con altre zolle, accostandole le une alle altre, una alla volta, e fissandole a ogni aggiunta con il filo.
6)Tagliare il filo e, con l'aiuto del bastoncino di legno, nascondete il capo inserendolo al centro della sfera. Con lo stesso bastoncino, lavorando con piccoli tocchi, nascondete all'interno i ciuffetti di muschio che escono dalla superficie.
7) Terminato il lavoro, nebulizzate acqua sul kokedama. In seguito, bagnatelo una volta alla settimana (o comunque quando la superficie si presenta asciutta al tatto) per dive, holding it in water for a few minutes and squeeze gently after soaking, to facilitate the penetration of water to the roots. Keep kokedama in a viewing angle.

are not delicious? And they are very nice too hung! ...

soon ...


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