Friday, May 15, 2009

How Can I Stop Unwanted Erections?


It's called
Ulderico Fish and his is a scene of the complaint. In recent years sought to collect true stories around Italy and between scandals and has told some old stories.
fish comes from Basilicata or Lucania, as you prefer, was formed and grew up in Rome as an actor began with Giorgio Albertazzi. When he met Anatoli Vassilev that brought him to Moscow for three years and worked around Europe, he realized the road had to go. He began to collect testimonies of real things, he wrote and told stories as did his grandfather, the narrator-grinder of the country. "I began to tell the stories that annoy the powers that be, the" caste " the criminals, so that on my back I do not have the heavy wheel of my grandfather, but few complaints. "
Ulderico Fish told the Italian laborers of the South after World War II, the 21 days of factory workers at Melfi yesterday, as those of today with the unrest of 2004.
This year he toured with the triangle of slavery, stories of illegal immigrants in the Apulian countryside. He brought in theater history of John Passannante young anarchist who tried to kill Umberto I of Savoy in early 900. And he has collected over 5,000 signatures to offer him a proper burial. His skull was kept in the Archaeological Museum in Rome since the time of his death, which was passed after years of torture in a cell underground in St. Helena, was open and designed to verify the claims of genetic-criminogenic Lombroso.

Ulderico But Fish also denounced the environmental crimes. With his show of 2005 Stories of slag told the story of nuclear Belpaese, deeds and misdeeds of a policy blind irresponsabile.Sempre through a collection of signatures was able to secure the safety of a pipeline starting at the central atomic Trisaia Rotondella in the province of Matera that led into the Ionian Sea in the radioactive liquid. In addition to nuclear spoke of "rubbish" and illegal trafficking disposal of hazardous waste as well as those considered non-hazardous. And asbestos.
His theater is a theater of truth and true stories accompanied by concrete actions. On the site find all his shows and petitions to sign.

Among the petitions are those working for the abolition of the Bossi-Fini law on immigration and the introduction in Italy of the crime of environmental damage, yet non-existent for our penal code!!

We sign people we sign ...


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