Thursday, May 28, 2009

Can Gallbladder Polyp Be Removed Without Surgery

You can do it!! Complaint

Take kilowatts of renewable energy and add a dose of mutuality. Blend. You have created an electric cooperative of producers and users together as "Retenergie, who was born in Fossano in the province of Cuneo, in late December. The aim: to deliver green electricity "and strictly self-produced its members. To questo, nella fase iniziale i soci fondatori (che sono 13) stanno lavorando a progettare e sviluppare i primi impianti di produzione (fotovoltaici, micro-idroelettrici), quelli che renderanno possibile realizzare il fine statutario della cooperativa: “Fornire tecnologie e prodotti energetici alle migliori condizioni di utilizzo, tecniche, ambientali ed economiche”. A breve dovrebbe partire la costruzione dei primi due impianti: un micro-idroelettrico in provincia di Reggio Emilia e un tetto fotovoltaico su un edificio pubblico in Toscana. Del “capitale” di energia rinnovabile di “Retenergie” fa parte anche il tetto fotovoltaico da 20 kilowatt di una cooperativa sociale di Mondovì (nella foto), in provincia di Cuneo. It was opened in spring 2008 and is the result of the campaign "Adopt a kilowatt," sponsored by "Solar collective" ( ). "With the electric cooperative closes a virtuous circle that starts coming from production to consumption: we can include end-users of energy in this picture."
Mark Mariano is an organic farmer and president of the cooperative "Retenergie. It was his, a couple of years ago, the blog "40 years just facts," the idea of \u200b\u200bnetworking to build a photovoltaic collective initiative that gave Solar collective life. "We set ourselves a year to settle all the formalities regarding the transmission of energy through the national network of Terna, and issues relating to the 'energy bill' and 'green certificates'. In a year and a half we hope to distribute electricity to its members. " "Retenergie" look closely and try to replicate (in a strictly "green"), the century-old experience of electric cooperatives in the Alps, which are 34 and need at least 50 thousand users (see Ae 99): within the arrangements for the liberalization of the electricity market (see Ae 101), only allows the cooperative form to produce electricity and sell it, since it becomes a service to its members, who are clients at the same time owners. "We are calculating the cost of the service-explains-Mariano, because the facilities will be de-localized from the homes of members, we will use the power line to carry this energy, rent Terna." Who wants to join the founders of Retenergia "ask a little 'patience: it will be possible from April to become the cooperative investor (by paying a minimum of 500 € over five months from the date of subscription). Each grant will be linked to one of the projects of renewable energy as defined by the cooperative; those who open their doors to cooperative members (minimum of 50 €), who signed with "Retenergia" the contract for the supply of energy. Marco Mariano calls it democracy energy: "energy from renewable sources, financed, produced, managed, secured and now consumed by the citizens / members.
Info: Retenergie, via Marene 18b, Fossano (Cuneo); website ,
tel. 333-46.82.519 e-mail (Mark) or davide.burdisso @ (David)


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