Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bathroom Breaks At Work Ontario

Vi avevo mai parlato della mia collezione di saponi?.... No? Beh, è una delle mie manie... i saponi artigianali mi piacciono un sacco e pensate che ogni volta che visito un posto nuovo me ne compro uno! Ho un mobiletto in bagno con tantissimi saponi di tutte le forme e colori!

 Mi piacerebbe tanto imparare a farli e non sembra essere difficile, girovagando sul web ho trovato qualche ricettina... come questa...


  • 5 handfuls of grated mild soap
  • a coffee cup of chamomile tea concentrate
  • 2 tablespoons dried lavender flowers
  • 1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers
  • 1 tablespoon of jojoba or almond oil
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil

_Metti the grated soap in a large bowl, then make a small hole in the middle of soap flakes and bring the flowers of lavender and chamomile dried.

_Successivamente pay the essential oil in jojoba or almond oil, then add the remaining ingredients together with the infusion of concentrated chamomile. Now stir, knead with your hands or a wooden spoon.

_In anoint with olive oil after one or more molds, pour the mixture into molds, smoothing the surface of the soap and put in refrigerator overnight. Then off the soap from the molds and put them to dry on a cloth canvas. You can use them when they are dry.


This soap with chamomile and lavender is used as all other soaps: you can use it to wash your hands, wash in the shower or even to scent drawers.

Lavender and chamomile help to relax, but at the same time soothe the skin and protect it. The jojoba oil or almond oil makes the soap less aggressive and more nutritious, without the least greasy skin.

Photos taken from the web

soon ...


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